Why not use Facebook Groups instead

Brendan Norris

Last Update 2 years ago

Fixable vs Facebook

Some Facebook groups can be useful. Many people use Facebook so you can connect with a lot of people quite easily. However, because Facebook is everything to everyone, there's a lot of "noise". As you've no doubt read or heard, everything on Facebook is controlled by their algorithms. This means that most activity on Facebook is controlled by Facebook for their own purposes. Let's be real: Facebook's sole reason for existing is to make money off its users' data. It collects as much user data as possible (not only from Facebook itself; they also track what you do on almost every other website you visit). They then sell that data to highest bidder advertisers to target you with ads.

Now, as a platform with the sole aim of making repair and reuse easier, over time Fixable will become THE place to visit if you need something fixed, want to fix things for other people, or want to buy, sell, hire, lend, borrow or give away spare parts and other repair products.

Secondly, as a social enterprise, Fixable's purpose is to help the environment, make our communities happier, people's lives better, and society fairer. Any money we make is used to increase our impact. We will NEVER sell your data, and we don't try to control anyone's behaviour.

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