How to get something fixed

Brendan Norris

Last Update 2 years ago

Get one up on dodgy manufacturing and bad luck by finding someone local to fix your stuff. Here's the process:

1. Sign up to Fixable here (this gives you a profile, lets you message the fixers, book jobs, and write reviews).

2. Search for a fixer who ticks your boxes (you can filter by repair type, experience, professional or hobbyist, etc).

3. Click on their listing, and if you want to engage them, click the button to contact them and tell them about your job. Photos and videos are veeeerrrrrrrrryyyy helpful, so we strongly encourage you to add some via the little link below the message box.

4. The fixer may respond with clarifying questions, or simply tell you how long the job should take. Fixers price their services by half-hour units so you need to agree on a price by agreeing the number of half-hour units for the job.

5. Once you agree, you go back to their listing and order that many half-hours.

6. The fixer accepts the order, at which time your credit card is charged and the money held in escrow by Stripe (that means they keep it safe until you mark the job as done). You arrange with the fixer for delivery or collection of the item. (If possible, we recommend meeting somewhere public and local to you both, such as the library or a cafe. Remember: be CovidSafe and safe in general.)

7. The fixer marks the job as complete, you arrange delivery or collection of the item, then if happy, you mark the job as complete and the funds are released to the fixer.

8. Your item goes on to live a happy and long second life! And the environment breathes a healthy sigh of relief.

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