How to create a successful listing

Brendan Norris

Last Update 2 years ago


  • The most important thing when creating a listing is building trust. So be honest about your skills, experience, certifications, etc. 
  • Don't be afraid to show a bit of personality. We all like to deal with people we like or relate to.
  • Good photos help a lot! As a fixer, we recommend using your avatar (i.e. your profile photo) as your listing's main photo because fixees want to see that you're a real person. You might also include photos of repairs you've done, or of yourself working.
  • Videos are great too, so post an external link to a video if you can (but don't stress if you can't).


  • If you're a fixer, your listing title should be descriptive about what sort of repairs you do, so people will know right away if they should click on you.
  • If you're selling something, your listing title should include enough information so someone knows right away if they're interested.
  • In the listing description, include just enough information so someone can make an informed decision. What would you want to know if you were searching for what you're offering?

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