Getting booked for a repair job

The process in detail

Brendan Norris

Last Update 2 years ago

Fixees and repair jobs

People who are looking for a fixer (we call them "fixees") may contact you on Fixable about your repair listing. It works like this:

  1. The fixee contacts you via Fixable's messaging to give you details of the job (you can ask them to add photos or video if they didn't provide them).
  2. You respond to clarify the job, ask any questions you have, and when satisfied that you know enough, tell them how many half-hour units you think it will take to complete (i.e. to equal how much you want to make from the job. We are still working on how charging for parts will work - stay tuned.)
  3. Once you've agreed the time/cost with them, they order that many half-hour units on your listing.
  4. You need to accept the order, at which time the fixee’s credit card is charged, and the money is held by Fixable (by Stripe actually, fully encrypted and safely) until the job is marked as complete by both you and the fixee.
  5. Using the messaging section again, you arrange for the item’s delivery or collection. Take care to be CovidSafe and safe in general.
  6. Once the job is done, you mark it complete in Fixable and arrange for its return to the fixee.
  7. Once they are satisfied, they mark the job as complete in Fixable, which signals to Fixable to release the funds to you (minus the greater of $2.20 or 10%, Fixable's commission). This may take a few days depending on your bank.
  8. Both you and the fixee then receive an email notification to complete a rating (out of 5 stars) and written review of each other. This step is crucial to building trust among users on Fixable, and your own credibility and reputation.
  9. Finally, Fixable sends you an email with a few questions about the job. Your answers will contribute to the Fixometer, which is our long-term plan to build a database of durability and repairability of common products. We hope you’ll help us in this big picture vision to help people buy better quality products.

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